Saturday, October 16, 2010

5. Public Opinion Of The Five Basis Of Power (L.T.)

When a superior in the workplace is said to have “power” over others, it has a negative connotation to it. The negative connotation is recognized by employees as Formal Power, such as Coercive Power (power dependent on fear). With power depended on fear, employees will do the job they are responsible for mainly because they fear the repercussions if they do not meet the terms. However, research has shown Personal Power, such as Referent Power (power based on admiration and respect) is significantly more effective in the workplace. Employees want to do great work when they feel they want to please the manager or supervisor they admire and have respect for. A four question survey was a great way to find out how employers and employees feel about Formal Power versus Personal Power.

10 Store managers, Supervisors and Managers from McDonald’s Corporation were asked to take this survey, as well as 30 employees and managers from Somerset Mall were surveyed for the results.

Four questions:

1. What is the leading power that you use to help influence others in the workplace?

A. Coercive Power B. Reward Power C. Legitimate Power D. Expert Power E. Referent Power 2. What source of power do you prefer to see in those who oversee your work?

A. Coercive Power B. Reward Power C. Legitimate Power D. Expert Power E. Referent Power 3. How is the concept of formal power handled in your organization?

A. Strongly Approve B. Somewhat Approve C. Neutral D. Somewhat Disapprove E. Strongly Disapprove

4. How is the concept of personal power handled in your organization?

A. Strongly Approve B. Somewhat Approve C. Neutral D. Somewhat Disapprove E. Strongly Disapprove

Findings: (total 40 surveyed)

1. A. 17.5%(7 people) B. 37.5%(15 people) C. 0% (0 people) D. 20% (8 people) E. 25%(10 People)

2. A. 0 (0 people) B. 20% (8 people) C. 0% (0 people) D. 22.5% (9 people) E. 57.5% (23 people)

3. A. 0 (0 people) B. 10% (4 people) C. 5% (2 people) D. 22.5% (9 people) E. 62.5% (25 people)

4. A. 85% (34 people) B. 10% (4 people) C. 5% (2 people) D. 0% (0 people) E. 0% (0 people)

This survey shows employees respond to Personal Power over Formal Power. Formal Power only works for a short period of time and soon affects all aspects of the business. Personal Power pushes employees to make them the best they can be as they are making the company they work for the best it can be.

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