Friday, October 15, 2010

6. Research Take Away Points (S.S)

As Lin touched on above, Personal power is preferred over Formal power. Employers want the best to come out in their employees so the company is successful.
From the research gathered, most work place superiors use the reward power method. Positive feedback or benefits promote good and reliable work from employees. No one wants to go into a new job and slack off, so by knowing reward comes from good work, fresh out of college workers will be confident in their efforts and do their best. Reward cannot be given for every little good deed, perhaps at first, but employers want to see progress in work efforts. College students should be aware that supervisors or superiors like to give rewards and keep their employees happy, and they aren’t always intimidating order givers.
When asked what type of power would you like to see displayed work, employees answered they want to see a supervisor who showed the same traits and they would like to see given off by employees. Monkey see, Monkey do type of atmosphere can be very effective because it puts pressure on the power holders to work hard alongside those under him/her. Students should understand that in a career life circumstance, CEOs, CFOs may not demonstrate this type of power. To establish yourself in the company you work for, working hard and doing great work will drive those around you to work just as hard. Your hard work can be noticed and may be rewarded, reward power, thus making you the potential supervisor. Those around you will want to work just as hard as you so their work will be noticed and praised.
Formal power is heavily disapproved by companies because it can be rather subjective and only works for a certain period of time. Formal power includes authority, relevance, expertise, track records, friendships, associations, and more. This method could start with good work, but then go into satisfactory work if more friendships are established. Businesses could become very subjective and cliquey after enforcing formal power, making it harder for younger aspiring employees to get jobs. Results show that from the companies asked, most of those strongly disapproved. After established into a career setting, the formal power rules may start to apply, but in smaller jobs, the person power aspects are used to create a friendly environment.
Lastly, personal power is the most popular method in the companies researched. As I said before, it enables employees with the confidence to be their very best and their job given to them. Students can take away that supervisors or those above you in a company are not always there to break you or make your job miserable. If you do not succeed, they do not succeed either. Coercive power is what young employees always assume will be the attitude of their managers. But, when manager/supervisors use the personal method of power, those young employees shift their image and realize they can work without fear. The reward power is there as a motivation tool to work harder and to keep setting the bar higher and higher. After experience and time in their position, that young worker could gain expert power. Therefore, the personal power pushes their workers to do their best, and students looking for a job should take away that a lot of companies use this power. They should go into a job with the aspirations to succeed and not there to be immediately defeated by those above him/her.

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